Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Emily Davies, Advocate of Higher Education for Women

Emily Davies, Advocate of Higher Education for Women Known for:  founding Girton College,  advocate of womens higher educationDates: April 22, 1830 - July 13, 1921Occupation: educator, feminist, womens rights advocateAlso Known as: Sarah Emily Davies About Emily Davies Emily Davies was born in Southampton, England. Her father, John Davies, was a clergyman and her mother, Mary Hopkinson, a teacher. Her father was an invalid, suffering a nervous condition. In Emilys childhood, he ran a school in addition to his work in the parish.  Eventually, he gave up his clergy post and school to focus on writing. Emily Davies was privately educated typical for young women of that time. Her brothers were sent to school, but Emily and her sister Jane were educated at home, focusing mainly on household duties. She nursed two of her siblings, Jane and Henry, through their battles with tuberculosis. In her twenties, Emily Davies friends included Barbara Bodichon and Elizabeth Garrett, advocates of womens rights. She met Elizabeth Garrett through mutual friends, and Barbara Leigh-Smith Bodichon on a trip with Henry to Algiers, where Bodichon was also spending the winter.  The Leigh-Smith sisters seem to have been the first to introduce her to feminist ideas. Davies frustration at her own unequal educational opportunities was from that point directed into more political organizing for change for womens rights. Two of Emilys brothers died in 1858.  Henry died of tuberculosis which had marked his life, and William of wounds sustained in the fighting in the Crimea, though he had moved on to China before his death. She spent some time with her brother Llewellyn and his wife in London, where Llewellyn was a member of some circles that promoted social change and feminism.  She attended lectures of  Elizabeth Blackwell  with her friend Emily Garrett. In 1862, when her father died, Emily Davies moved to London with her mother. There, she edited a feminist publication, The Englishwomans Journal, for a time, and helped found the Victoria  magazine.  She published a paper on women in the medical profession for the Congress of the Social Science Organization.   Soon after moving to London, Emily Davies began working for the admission of women to higher education. She advocated for the admission of girls to London University and to Oxford and Cambridge. When she was given the opportunity, she found, on short notice, more than eighty female applicants to take exams at Cambridge; many passed and the success of the effort plus some lobbying led to opening the exams to women regularly.  She also lobbied for girls to be admitted to secondary schools.  In the service of that campaign, she was the first woman to appear as an expert witness at a royal commission. She also became involved in the wider womens rights movement, including advocating for womens suffrage. She helped organize for John Stuart Mills 1866 petition to Parliament for womens rights. That same year, she also wrote Higher Education for Women. In 1869, Emily Davies was part of a group that opened a womens college, Girton College, after several years of planning and organizing. In 1873 the institution moved to Cambridge. It was Britains first womens college. From 1873 to 1875, Emily Davies served as mistress of the college, then she spent thirty more years as Secretary to the college. This college became part of Cambridge University and began granting full degrees in 1940. She also continued her suffrage work. In 1906 Emily Davies headed a delegation to Parliament. She opposed the militancy of the Pankhursts and their wing of the suffrage movement. In 1910, Emily Davies published Thoughts on Some Questions Relating to Women. She died in 1921.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

A Brief Explanation of Evolution

A Brief Explanation of Evolution The theory of evolution is a scientific theory that essentially states that species change over time. There are many different ways species change, but most of them can be described by the idea of natural selection. The theory of evolution through natural selection was the first scientific theory that put together evidence of change through time as well as a mechanism for how it happens. History of the Theory of Evolution The idea that traits are passed down from parents to offspring has been around since the ancient Greek philosophers time. In the middle 1700s, Carolus Linnaeus came up with his taxonomic naming system, which grouped like species together and implied there was an evolutionary connection between species within the same group. The late 1700s saw the first theories that species changed over time. Scientists like the Comte de Buffon and Charles Darwins grandfather, Erasmus Darwin, both proposed that species changed over time, but neither man could explain how or why they changed. They also kept their ideas under wraps due to how controversial the thoughts were compared to accepted religious views at the time. John Baptiste Lamarck, a student of the Comte de Buffon, was the first to publicly state species changed over time. However, part of his theory was incorrect. Lamarck proposed that acquired traits were passed down to offspring. Georges Cuvier was able to prove that part of the theory incorrect, but he also had evidence that there were once living species that had evolved and gone extinct. Cuvier believed in catastrophism, meaning these changes and extinctions in nature happened suddenly and violently. James Hutton and Charles Lyell countered Cuviers argument with the idea of uniformitarianism. This theory said changes happen slowly and accumulate over time. Darwin and Natural Selection Sometimes called survival of the fittest, natural selection was most famously explained by Charles Darwin in his book On the Origin of Species. In the book, Darwin proposed that individuals with traits most suitable to their environments lived long enough to reproduce and passed down those desirable traits to their offspring. If an individual had less than favorable traits, they would die and not pass on those traits. Over time, only the fittest traits of the species survived. Eventually, after enough time passed, these small adaptations would add up to create new species. These changes are precisely what makes us human.   Darwin was not the only person to come up with this idea at that time. Alfred Russel Wallace also had evidence and came to the same conclusions as Darwin around the same time. They collaborated for a short time and jointly presented their findings. Armed with evidence from all over the world due to their various travels, Darwin and Wallace received favorable responses in the scientific community about their ideas. The partnership ended when Darwin published his book. One very important part of the theory of evolution through natural selection is the understanding that individuals cannot evolve; they can only adapt to their environments. Those adaptations add up over time and, eventually, the entire species has evolved from what it was like earlier. This can lead to new species forming and sometimes extinction of older species. Evidence for Evolution There are many pieces of evidence that support the theory of evolution. Darwin relied on the similar anatomies of species to link them. He also had some fossil evidence that showed slight changes in the body structure of the species over time, often leading to vestigial structures. Of course, the fossil record is incomplete and has missing links. With todays technology, there are many other types of evidence for evolution. This includes similarities in the embryos of different species, the same DNA sequences found across all species, and an understanding of how DNA mutations  work in microevolution. More fossil evidence has also been found since Darwins time, although there are still many gaps in the fossil record. The Theory of Evolution Controversy Today, the theory of evolution is often portrayed in the media as a controversial subject. Primate evolution and the idea that humans evolved from monkeys has been a major point of friction between scientific and religious communities. Politicians and court decisions have debated whether or not schools should teach evolution or if they should also teach alternate points of view like intelligent design or creationism. The State of Tennessee v. Scopes, or the Scopes Monkey Trial, was a famous court battle over teaching evolution in the classroom. In 1925, a substitute teacher named John Scopes was arrested for illegally teaching evolution in a Tennessee science class. This was the first major court battle over evolution, and it brought attention to a formerly taboo subject. The Theory of Evolution in Biology The theory of evolution is often seen as the main overarching theme that ties all topics of biology together. It includes genetics, population biology, anatomy and physiology, and embryology, among others. While the theory has itself evolved and expanded over time, the principles laid out by Darwin in the 1800s still hold true today.